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Description: Socket 编程的DOS下和Windows开发包 Microsoft TCP/IP SDK for DOS/Windows-Socket programming DOS and Windows development package Microsoft TCP/IP SDK for DOS/Windows
Platform: | Size: 106496 | Author: 李永斌 | Hits:

[Com PortVCCom

Description: 本书从编程实践的角度详细介绍了Windows环境下和DOS环境下的串口通信的基本方法,并根据当前串口与网络合的发展趋势,介绍了串口与网络 TCP/IP、远程控制与监测相结合的一些解决方案和编程要点。由于编程步骤详尽,初学Visual C++/C(甚至以前完全没有接触过Visual C++)的读者也能很快编写出Visual C++的串口通信程序.本书配光盘,书中实例源程序和相关资料可在对应章节的文件夹中找到. 本书是从事串口及网络能信的技术人员和学习者的极佳参考资料,也可以作为数据通信课程的辅助教材.-This book from the perspective of programming practice described in detail under the Windows environment and the DOS environment of the basic method of serial communication and serial and network based on the current development trend of Hopewell, introduced the serial port with the network TCP/IP, Remote Control and monitoring of combining a number of solutions and programming elements. Programming steps as a result of detailed, beginner Visual C++/C (or even before there is no contact with Visual C++) Readers can quickly prepare Visual C++ The serial communication program. This book with CD-ROM book examples of source code and related information is available in the corresponding sections of the folder to find. this book is to engage in serial and network to the letter of the technical staff and learners an excellent reference, but also can be used as data communications curriculum support materials .
Platform: | Size: 27643904 | Author: 于宗文 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackwat2001b

Description: 765K 非常强大,著名和实用的TCP/IP等网络功能的编程库,完全免费且简单易用,基于Borland C.它的使用很广泛,比如近年来推出的DOS下的Internet工具大都是用它编写出来的.这是DOS实模式的版本,其它各种说明和资料以及DOS保护模式下TCP/IP的版本可在它的网站http://www.wattcp.com/上找到.推荐程序员使用! 如果使用BC31环境,请在prj中加入lib\目录下的库文件,并调用对应H文件的函数接口-765K is very powerful, well-known and practical TCP/IP networking features such as programming libraries, completely free and easy to use, based on Borland C., its use is extensive, such as the recent launch of the DOS of the Internet under the tools are mostly use it to prepare out. This is the real-mode DOS version, description and information as well as various other DOS protected mode TCP/IP version can be found on its website http://www.wattcp.com/. recommended programmer! 2001.5
Platform: | Size: 783360 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Visual C++/Turbo C 串口通信编程实践 本书从编程实践的角度详细介绍了Windows环境下和DOS环境下的串口通信的基本方法,并根据当前串口与网络结合的发展趋势,介绍了串口与网络TCP/IP、远程控制与监测相结合的一些解决方案和编程要点。由于编程步骤详尽,初学Visual C++/C(甚至是以前完全没有接触过Visual C++)的读者也能很快编写出Visual C++的串口通信程序。本书配光盘,书中实例源程序和相关资料可在对应章节的文件夹中找到。 本书是从事串口及网络通信的技术人员和学习者的极佳参考资料,也可以作为数据通信课程的辅助教材。-Visual C++/Turbo C serial communication programming practice Programming practice from the perspective of the book details the Windows environment and the DOS environment, the basic approach of serial communication and serial ports and network integration based on the current development trend, introduced the serial and network TCP/IP, integrated remote control and monitoring some of the solutions and programming elements. As the detailed programming steps, beginners Visual C++/C (or even no previous contact with Visual C++) readers can quickly write a Visual C++ serial communication program. Book with CD-ROM, the book can be found examples of source code and related sections in the corresponding folder to find. This book is in serial and network communication technology and an excellent reference for learners, but also can be used as data communications course support materials.
Platform: | Size: 18114560 | Author: 小小 | Hits:

[Com PortVisualC_Turbo_C_Seral

Description: 内容简介 《Visual C++/Turbo C串口通信编程实践》(第2版)从编程实践角度详细介绍了PC计算机Windows环境下、DOS环境下以及单片机的串V1通信的基本方法,并根据当前串口与网络结合的发展趋势,给出了串口与TCP\IP网络、远程监控相结合的解决方案与详细程序实例。内容丰富、步骤详尽,初学Visual C++\Turbo C的读者也能很快编写出实用的串12通信程序。第二版根据第一版的使用反馈,增加了许多基础内容与应用实例,更易于读者掌握和调试程序。配套光盘中包含了书中实例源程序和相关资料。 -Content abstract The Visual C++/Turbo C programming practice serial communication (2nd edition) from the Angle of programming practices introduced Windows environment, PC and SCM environment DOS of the basic method of communication, V1 and according to the current network combined with the serial development trend are given, with TCP/IP network serial, remote monitoring combined with the detailed solution program examples. Rich contents, procedures, Turbo C++, Visual beginners the readers can also quickly write out a string of practical communication procedures and. The second edition of the first edition, according to the feedback increased a lot of basic content and application examples, the more easily grasp and readers debugging. Companion cd-rom contains examples of the source program and the book.
Platform: | Size: 18131968 | Author: 悠悠 | Hits:

[Program docSerial-programming

Description: 本书从编程实践角度详细介绍了PC计算机Windows环境下、DOS环境下以及单片机的串口通信的基本方法,并根据当前串口与网络结合的发展趋势,给出了串口与TCP/IP网络、远程监控相结合的解决方案与详细程序实例。内容丰富、步骤详尽,初学Visual C++/Turbo C的读者也能很快编写出实用的串口通信程序。-Programming practices from the perspective of the book details the PC computer under Windows environment, DOS environment, and the basic microcontroller serial communication method, and serial and network integration based on the current development trend, given the serial and TCP/IP network, remote monitoring combination of solutions and detailed procedures for instance. Rich content, detailed steps, beginner Visual C++/Turbo C readers can quickly write serial communication and practical procedures.
Platform: | Size: 18543616 | Author: 混合机 | Hits:


Description: 该书详细介绍了windows和dos环境下的串口通信基本方法,介绍了串口与网络TCP/IP、远程控制与监测相结合的一些解决方案和编程要点。该书是学习串口通信的经典教程。-The book details basic serial communication method under the Windows and DOS environment , and introduces some solutions and programming elements about the serial and network TCP/IP, remote control and monitoring of combining.This book is classic for learning serial communication .
Platform: | Size: 16443392 | Author: 赵明 | Hits:

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